7. Eat Your Coffee with Johnny

Episode 7 EYC Blog.png

Johnny Fayad is the CEO and Co-Founder of Eat Your Coffee

You probably drink coffee often... but have you ever ate your coffee?  In this episode, Johnny Fayad tells us how to get energized with naturally-caffeinated snacks made with real, ethically-sourced ingredients. Every Eat Your Coffee snack is caffeinated with real, organic, direct-trade coffee and made with real ingredients so you can feel good with every energizing bite.

Eat Your Coffee is a partner of  Café Kreyol - direct trade, organic coffee with a mission of alleviating poverty in rural, coffee growing regions. They pay farmers based on the quality of their product and do so by paying up to 300% higher wages than what Fair Trade requires.


8. Askinosie Chocolate with Shawn


6. Rescue Dog Wines with Blair