If you came for the snacks, then you've found the right party….

Snack Impact is a podcast for snack enthusiasts and caring humans. In each new episode, you will be introduced to a snack company driven by a social initiative and their leaders - snacks making a positive impact on the world!

Join us for conversations on how your new favorite snacks were created, how they are changing the world, and what you can do to make your own impact.

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Hi! I’m your host, Bobbie Anne

From my earliest memories of sleepovers in elementary school, to browsing airport concession stands as an adult, searching for new snacks has always been on my agenda. Needless to say, I’ve become the ultimate snack enthusiast!

A few years ago I discovered the world of podcasts, and my love for podcasting has only continued to grow. With a professional background in marketing and food & bev. I decided it was time to marry the two together… and voila! The snack podcast idea was born.

Throughout my frequent snack hauls, I began to notice that many higher quality snacks not only had better ingredients but were also associated with a helpful cause. After diving down that rabbit hole a bit, I wondered, “Do people know what these snacks are doing!?”. So, I searched high and low for anyone who was talking about these companies. I came up with zilch. I knew this was where my focus for the podcast needed to be.

When 2020 arrived I realized there was no better time than this to introduce these snacks and highlight some positivity that’s happening in the world. (We could all use some more positivity in our lives after all that.). I hope you will join me in trying out some new snacks and helping to contribute to some great causes. If you can make a positive impact just by snacking, then why not?

From my candy coated heart to yours - thanks for listening,

Bobbie Anne 🍩🍭🌎